function dittyLoadGoogleFont(font) { const fontId = font.replace(/\s+/g, "-").toLowerCase(); let link = document.getElementById(`ditty-google-font--${fontId}`); if (!link) { link = jQuery( `` ); jQuery("head").append(link); } } /** * Update item layout css * * @since 3.0 * @return null */ function dittyLayoutCss(layoutCss, layoutId, updateCSS) { var $styles = jQuery("style#ditty-layout--" + layoutId); if (undefined === $styles[0]) { $styles = jQuery(''); jQuery("head").append($styles); updateCSS = "update"; } if ("update" === updateCSS) { layoutCss = layoutCss.replace(">", ">"); $styles.html(layoutCss); } } /** * Update item display css * * @since 3.0 * @return null */ function dittyDisplayCss(displayCss, displayId) { var $styles = jQuery("style#ditty-display--" + displayId); if (undefined === $styles[0]) { $styles = jQuery(''); jQuery("head").append($styles); } displayCss = displayCss.replace(">", ">"); $styles.html(displayCss); } /** * Update item display css * * @since 3.1.24 * @return null */ function dittyTypographyCss(settings) { let css = ""; if (settings.fontFamily && "" !== settings.fontFamily) { css += `font-family:${settings.fontFamily};`; } if (settings.fontWeight && "" !== settings.fontWeight) { css += `font-weight:${settings.fontWeight};`; } if (settings.fontSize && "" !== settings.fontSize) { css += `font-size:${settings.fontSize};`; } if (settings.lineHeight && "" !== settings.lineHeight) { css += `line-height:${settings.lineHeight};`; } if (settings.letterSpacing && "" !== settings.letterSpacing) { css += `letter-spacing:${settings.letterSpacing};`; } return css; } /** * Update item display css * * @since 3.1.24 * @return null */ function dittyRenderDisplayCss(settings, displayId) { const cssPrefix = `.ditty[data-display="${settings.display}"]`; let css = ""; // Title CSS const titleFont = settings.titleTypography ? settings.titleTypography : {}; let titleFontCss = dittyTypographyCss(titleFont); titleFontCss += `margin:0;padding:0;`; if ("" !== settings.titleColor) { titleFontCss += `color:${settings.titleColor};`; } if ("" !== titleFontCss) { css += `${cssPrefix} .ditty__title__element{${titleFontCss};}`; } if ("" !== settings.titleColor) { css += `${cssPrefix} .ditty__title__element *{color:${settings.titleColor};}`; } if ("" !== settings.itemLinkColor) { css += `${cssPrefix} .ditty__title__element a{color:${settings.titleLinkColor};}`; } if (titleFont.fontType && "google" === titleFont.fontType) { dittyLoadGoogleFont(titleFont.fontFamily); } // Item CSS const itemFont = settings.itemTypography ? settings.itemTypography : {}; let itemFontCss = dittyTypographyCss(itemFont); if ("" !== settings.itemTextColor) { itemFontCss += `color:${settings.itemTextColor};`; } if ("" !== itemFontCss) { css += `${cssPrefix} .ditty-item__elements{${itemFontCss};}`; } if ("" !== settings.itemLinkColor) { css += `${cssPrefix} .ditty-item__elements a{color:${settings.itemLinkColor};}`; } if (itemFont.fontType && "google" === itemFont.fontType) { dittyLoadGoogleFont(itemFont.fontFamily); } dittyDisplayCss(css, displayId); } /** * Configure the order of items * * @since 3.1.18 * @return null */ function dittyOrderItemGroup(items, settings) { const orderby = settings.orderby ? settings.orderby : "default"; const order = settings.order ? settings.order : "desc"; let sortedItems = items; switch (orderby) { case "timestamp": sortedItems = items.sort( (a, b) => new Date(b.timestamp_iso) - new Date(a.timestamp_iso) ); break; case "random": for (let i = sortedItems.length - 1; i > 0; i--) { const j = Math.floor(Math.random() * (i + 1)); const temp = sortedItems[i]; sortedItems[i] = sortedItems[j]; sortedItems[j] = temp; } break; default: break; } if ("asc" === order) { sortedItems.reverse(); } return sortedItems; } function dittyOrderItems(items, settings) { const parentItems = []; const childGroups = []; => { if (!item.parent_id || "0" === String(item.parent_id)) { parentItems.push(item); } else { if (!childGroups[item.parent_id]) { childGroups[item.parent_id] = []; } childGroups[item.parent_id].push(item); } }); const sortedParentItems = dittyOrderItemGroup(parentItems, settings); const sortedChildGroups = => { return dittyOrderItemGroup(group, settings); }); const sortedItems = sortedParentItems.reduce((itemsList, item) => { itemsList.push(item); if (sortedChildGroups[]) { itemsList = [...itemsList, ...sortedChildGroups[]]; } return itemsList; }, []); return sortedItems; } /** * Update items * * @since 3.1.19 * @return null */ function dittyGetUpdatedItemData(prevItems, newItems) { const updatedIndexes = []; const updatedItems =, index) => { if (typeof prevItems[index] === "undefined") { updatedIndexes.push(index); } else if (String(prevItems[index].uniq_id) !== String(item.uniq_id)) { updatedIndexes.push(index); } else if (String(prevItems[index].html) !== String(item.html)) { updatedIndexes.push(index); } else if (String(prevItems[index].css) !== String(item.css)) { updatedIndexes.push(index); } return item; }); return { updatedItems: updatedItems, updatedIndexes: updatedIndexes, }; } // function dittyGetUpdatedItemData(prevItems, newItems) { // const newGroupedItems = newItems.reduce((items, item) => { // const index = items.findIndex((i) => { // return ===; // }); // item.updated = "updated"; // if (index < 0) { // items.push({ // id:, // items: [item], // }); // } else { // items[index].items.push(item); // } // return items; // }, []); // const flattenedItems = newGroupedItems.reduce((items, group) => { // return [...items,]; // }, []); // const updatedIndexes = []; // const updatedItems =, index) => { // if (item.updated) { // updatedIndexes.push(index); // delete item.updated; // } else if (typeof prevItems[index] === "undefined") { // updatedIndexes.push(index); // } else if (String(prevItems[index].uniq_id) !== String(item.uniq_id)) { // updatedIndexes.push(index); // } // return item; // }); // return { // updatedItems: updatedItems, // updatedIndexes: updatedIndexes, // }; // } /** * Update items * * @since 3.0.10 * @return null */ function dittyUpdateItems(itemSwaps, swapType = "animate") { var animationSpeed = 500; jQuery.each(itemSwaps, function (index, data) { var $current = data.currentItem, $new = data.newItem; var $updateWrapper = $current.parent(); if ("static" === swapType) { $current.after($new); $current.remove(); } else { var newStyle = $new.attr("style"); $current.wrap( '
' ); $updateWrapper.stop().css({ height: $current.outerHeight(), }); $current.stop().css({ position: "absolute", top: 0, left: 0, width: "100%", }); $new.stop().css({ position: "absolute", top: 0, left: 0, width: "100%", opacity: 0, }); $current.after($new); $current.stop().animate( { opacity: 0, }, animationSpeed * 0.75, "linear" ); $new.stop().animate( { opacity: 1, }, animationSpeed * 0.75, "linear" ); $updateWrapper.stop().animate( { height: $new.outerHeight(), }, animationSpeed, "easeOutQuint", function () { $updateWrapper.removeAttr("style"); $current.unwrap(); $current.remove(); if (newStyle) { $new.attr("style", newStyle); } else { $new.removeAttr("style"); } if ($new.hasClass("ditty-temp-item")) { $new.remove(); } } ); } }); }